lalala. last night was the christmas party. it was... hmmm, fun. the band was ok. today was not the funnest day in the world. i like reading when the words are all scrambled but organized just enough so you can read them. is petrty fn. i dnot konw why but it is. rseotta sotne is a lungaeg leranig scecsus.
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Monday, November 26, 2007
today i finally sent in my registration fee for tmi, so hopefully my support packet will be here in a week. school started, again :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(. hopefully if i get around to it I'll fill out the FC staff application tonight, which is like 50 pages long. oh yea, the ball was pretty fun. yesterday at Peter's house we went swimming, that was pretty fun. the pool was kinda cold though.
i wonder what a block quote is.
Posted by
6:06 PM
say what you wants
Thursday, November 22, 2007
so we just finished dinner, it was pretty darn a little while after desert we're gonna go over to the boriacks for awhile, hopefully it wont be to cold to swim. actually it is to cold to swim but if they have the heater on. i've got this random feeling that there won't be very many people there.i like the feeling when you type something fast and then look to see you didn't mess up. i can't wait till the ball. that'll be great fun. woo whoo! time for desert. gtg.
Posted by
12:39 PM
say what you wants
Monday, November 19, 2007
so i think everybody knows now that i'm going to malawi. hopefully i'll sign up tonight. this's got to be the shortest post ever.
Posted by
5:54 PM
say what you wants
Thursday, November 15, 2007
ok, yesterday the 2008 TMI brochure came out. i stuck on what team to pick,
on my list i have,
cameroon backpack
malawi choir
malawi matron unit
the problem is malawi choir is a choir team. i don't want to go on a choir team, but i want to go to malawi. the problem with malawi matron is, it would collide with the texas water safari, which i really want to do. and i would not be able to work at camp as long as i wanted, but that is sorta ok cuz as long as i get one week in at camp i can work retreats in the fall, but its a work team which is a plus. cameroon is just a cool team that is slightly winning the race right now. malawi choir is losing. so yeah tomorrow at 9:30 am i'll have decided on a team, so if yall could pray that i make the right decision here, i'd appreciate it.
Posted by
6:12 PM
say what you wants
Saturday, November 3, 2007
today we worked all day getting ready for jc's b-day tomorrow. thats gonna be great fun. i couldn't figure out how to remove my navbar so help would be great. i think i've officaly decided to do the Texas Water Safari with peter this summer. its 262 mi. canoe race starting in san marcus just up river from the first hbf camp out, to get the patch you have to complete it in under 100 hours. so i need to start some crazy training for it.
Posted by
6:09 PM
say what you wants
Monday, October 29, 2007
anorther new post
i figured it was time for a new post, so tada. next saturday the three amigos will go on there third adventure, to the san jacinto river. i think whenever jc has his suicide campout in late november, the TA's (three amigos) will take a trip in the san marcus. that'll be great fun. yesterday was the farrington fall festival (sp???????) which all of yall attended so i wont go in to any detail. except that i got lit up in paint ball every time ug! i need to work on that. i'm ready for thanksgiving break to start now.
oh yea, i would remove my navbar, but if all the bloggers in my family did that, we couldn't log in and out, so i'll just out a big notice or something. unless yall know how to log in and out with out the navbar, if so please explain.
Posted by
6:27 PM
say what you wants
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
new post
hmmm, its been awhile. i kept meaning to make a new post but it never happened till now. ive got 6 min to write my life out from the past few weeks so this'll be brief.
i'd post some videos of tanzania if someone would explain to me click for click how to doit!!!! i'm also gonna put a recent paper i wrote about my canoe trip for my writing class soon. 3 min. darn. hmmm. my thoughts are not flowing. today i rode my bike around for 7 mi. i went down near kobs rd looking for a short cut to the b's house witout cutting right by someone house. yesterday i read and wrote a book sumary on bridge to terabithia, i almost cried when i read it... it was pretty sad. the book. not me. ug neg 1 min. need to go. new post coming very soon.
Posted by
7:54 PM
say what you wants
Monday, October 1, 2007
spring creek canoe trip aka: dumb idea
ok, its been awhile. my life's been really busy doing important things. so about spring creek. we put in our canoes around 10:30, about 5 sec after putting peter's canoe in it starts leaking. haha fun. and we go down the creek for an hour + 1/2 and decide to take peter's canoe back cuz it becoming a big problem. and we continue down the creek with to many people in 1 canoe. and eventually decide to have 2 people walk on the bank with 2 people in the canoe. spring creek is the nastiest creek ive ever seen. every time there was a log across the creek (which was about every 50') there was a pile of trash and junk along with silvery haze all over the top of the water. nasty nasty!!! so yea the original plan was to canoe 6 mi. from 249 to 2978 but around 6:00 PM!!! were just over halfway. we stopped at a train bridge. so for about 30 min were talking to my mom about how to get out of the stupid creek. and my mom informs us that 3 mi. south down the track there is a road about 100' off the track. so we start hauling the canoe down the track. when weve gone about 300' feet my mom calls back and tells us to go north. and we begin going north. about 100' past the bridge (btw to get to the top of the bridge we had to haul the canoe 50' up a 45 deg. slope of crushed granite) we see a road crossing pretty far up ahead so we got kinda excited and began hauling the canoe down the track. about 1/3 of the way there a train comes and theres about 6' of room from the track to dense brush/thorns. so we were about 5' feet from the track when it passes. nothing else really happened except that we pulled the canoe about a mile down the track to were the rescuers were waiting. which was around 7:30. yea it was great fun, i totally recemend (sp?) to all of yall doing it. we also flipped the canoe 1ce. but that was because we had to many people in the canoe. wow long post.
Posted by
8:03 PM
say what you wants
Saturday, September 22, 2007
html tags!!!!!!
so i'm really excited i just figured out html tags!!!!
Posted by
8:53 PM
say what you wants
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
new post
since the poll is requesting more posts, I'm compelled to reply. nothing really has happened since my last post. except I've decided to go to the philipinnes next spring. hopefully if my parents let me. i really have nothing else to say so i'll make my adioses.
btw, who choose on my poll "i love it"?
Posted by
8:36 PM
say what you wants
Sunday, September 16, 2007
dance practice
so last night was the dance practice. but basically everyone who reads this was there or knew about it, so that was a pointless sentence. anyway i'll give my opinion on the occasion.
hmmm, first of all the music selection was very poor along with the selection of dances.
and the facility was quite small. so yall may be thinking i didn't enjoy it. BUT! yalld be wrong.
and with that said, i'll end this post of deep content.
Posted by
7:41 PM
say what you wants
Saturday, September 8, 2007
weekend camping trip
so today i just got back from camping at our farm with peter and Zach. we drove up Thursday afternoon spent to night and returned... TODAY!!!! yesterday we went swimming in the river (the one the first church camp out was at) and we swam alot!! that was pretty fun. so thats one thing on my list I've accomplished. the first night was interesting, we probably slept about an hour. and around 4:30 a.m. i woke up covered in ants, i don't feel like explaining why.
i don't feel like explaining anything else so ask me tomorrow or just post a comment.
Posted by
8:18 PM
say what you wants
Saturday, September 1, 2007
new post
ok, so i decided to make a new post. uh i'll right a fews things about my life.
my life is pretty boring right now. basically its school mow the lawn and nothin.
i figured out why my last post was really weird was cuz i had it set to right in
hindi, whatever that is. whoa sweet i just noticed the post a video button on here.
thats pretty new isn't it? btw my familys got a cold so we're not goin to church
tomorrow. that kinda stinks. here are a few things i'm looking forward to in the
next few weeks or so,
dancing practice, sept 15th
sunday afternoon at the mcminns house, sept 9th
a sunday afternoon with the group at the boriaCk's house.
every wensday till school's out.
a backpacking trip sometime this fall.
SUMMER 2008!!!!!!!!
Posted by
6:54 PM
say what you wants
Saturday, August 25, 2007
टुमॉरो व्होया
व्हट्स गोइंग ओं?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ई नीद हेल्प!!!!! वि वि वि थिस इस क्रीप्य!! ई'ल तरी मोरसे कोड: ...---... इत वोर्क्स!!!!
a। इत्वोर्क्सिकन्त्पुश्स्पकेबर्थौघ्कुज़ित्विल्ल्तुर्निन्तोचिनेसे
Posted by
7:16 PM
say what you wants
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
this is a test...
Posted by
5:34 PM
say what you wants
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
DONDE ESTA?!?!?!?!?!?!?
WHERE IS EVERYBODY??!?!??!?!?!?!?
Posted by
7:19 PM
say what you wants
Monday, August 20, 2007
My life
so I've decided to say sumthin about my life. here are several things i plan on doing in the near futue:
0: tell somebody about Jesus
1: make some money
2: buy a coke and a fanta
3: go our farm and have some fun
4: do sumthin exciting
5: walk to the library
6: make a presentation of my summer for this sunday
7: do some drag racing
8: go surfing in our pasture
9: eat some chex mix
10: make breakfast tacos for breakfast tomorrow
11: finish mowing the yard
12: wake up
13: listen to country music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
14: tell somebody what a great country TEXAS is!
15: go to bed
16: this getting old
17: i think i'll stop now
18: so i hope you enjoyed it.
19: oh yea uno mas, eat some hot guts and red sodie water, that was totaly hick. lol.
thunder boots
good bye
Posted by
8:27 PM
say what you wants
Something fun
so I've been thinking of sumthin fun. whoa that was deep... so i think i should go to our family's farm in central TEXAS!!!! backpack half a mile down to the river and camp for a weekend. that would be alot of fun. i spelled central wrong didn't i? actually i didn't. so anyway life is boring again so i need to do sumthin fun. feel free to come if you want. just call a few min ahead of time. lol.
Posted by
8:15 PM
1 say what you wants
I need Pictures!!!!
Hey Kilimanjaro!!! I need pictures before this Sunday!!!!!!!!! and anyone else from tmi who wants to send me pictures. also any body who has a yahoo email account, I can't send you emails for some strange twisted reason.
Posted by
5:30 PM
say what you wants
Sunday, August 19, 2007
new blog addy
so i'll be changing my blog addy soon to so be ready!!!!!
or i'll just make a new one. so i'm just telling you to be ready for CHANGE!!!!!!
btw i'm not racist (sp?)
Posted by
8:01 PM
say what you wants
Saturday, August 18, 2007
ok... so i'm back. uh nice comments i feel special. i got a new email addy for all you team members and other people. it is . jessie why won't you answer your phone????
so yall feel free to call tomorrow with a cell phone cuz its a week end. wahoo!!!
btw the link doesn't work so don't try to click it.
Posted by
9:02 PM
say what you wants
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
today is it. I've been waiting 172 days for this. and now its finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
see ya in august...
Posted by
5:16 AM
say what you wants
Thursday, June 14, 2007
My life the in the past week
Sorry I've been out for a while, I've been busy. Zach came over on monday and slept over. and last night peter zach and ben (chambers) slept over. me and zach did some drag racing in the van below, vs the cars that come down our road, we actually won a race!!!! btw we were in our pasture not on the road. yesterday and today we (peter zach and ben) did alot of surfing in the pasture by pulling a piece of ply wood behind the van. that was alot of fun! I'm leaving in 3 3/4 days!!! thats so exciting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
5:08 PM
say what you wants
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Friday, June 1, 2007
Boot Camp
Here's a link to a pic of Boot Camp:,-80.682178&spn=0.008416,0.014591&t=h&z=16&om=1&msa=0&msid=104808905649709258031.00000112ea9d6ee7baffa
17 Days!!!!!!!
Posted by
9:11 PM
say what you wants
note worthy events of today
Ok, todays note worthy events:
1. today while riding on the hay bale fork on the back of our tractor on our way to retrieve some logs down the road, riders being my grandpa' (driving) me and jc riding on the back. jc decided to try holding on to the back of the tractor and use it like a track machine btw we're traveling about 20 mph and jc can't run that fast, so you can guess what happened, his feet went out from under him and he got dragged about 20' and then he let go did a few rolls and stopped, that was so funny! jc says he jumped but I'm pretty sure he didn't.
2. uh... nothing else exciting happened today.
Posted by
4:22 PM
say what you wants
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
So what do yall think of my title? it means world shaking traveler. I think I should change my profile name to thunder boots!!! that would be awesome. I'll try to post a video on here soon.
Posted by
5:59 PM
say what you wants
Monday, May 28, 2007
I've officially reached the point very nervous/very excited , so if i post some random scribbling don't be surprised cuz I'm probably going to go insane in about 2.567 weeks. If anyone knows how to post videos please tell me.
Posted by
2:34 PM
say what you wants
Sunday, May 27, 2007
23 days!!!
only 23 Days till I leave! Thats exciting! I'm 37% packed, actually its probably less cuz I added a lot of stuff to it yesterday. we didn't go to Church today Cuz James and Torie were sick, blah... I'll try to put more interesting stuff on here in the future. has anybody thought of a name for my blog yet? I think I'll go put a video or some music or something on here.
Posted by
5:17 PM
say what you wants
Friday, May 25, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
New Blog
Ok I made a new blog, the other one was getting realy anoying so I deleted it. i also need a name for my blog so suggestions welcome. Today I went to the Uricks house to repair a chicken coop, which I will be returning to tomorrow. I also officialy hate making rabbit hutches. uh... can't think of much else to say, cept bye!!
Posted by
8:46 PM
say what you wants