Thursday, March 27, 2008


About 30 min ago me and missy played polo. it was pretty fun except she beat me 5-1. oh well. we decided we should do a hbf polo tounament. tomorrow my family and i are headed to our farm to visit my great aunt in the hospital. nothing else to say so ttyl!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

This is the peninsula I would be living on if sea level rose 200 ft.

This is what would happen if you built a dam on spring creek.
Or the San Marcos.
A 200 ft. rise in sea level would cause all the area between the line and ocean to be flooded.
Tomball is the yellow pish pin, 20 ft. under water.

I'm back to blogger

I'm going to have a interesting post or at least more interesting than this, very soon. I just need to get this blasted vista to work right!